What You Need To Know To Sell A Liquor License

Are you in the market to Purchase a Liquor License in Florida? We are your #1 resource for locating the right license at the right price.
Take advantage of our license application expertise to get your license processed and approved as quickly as possible. Relax. We’ll handle the details.
Our dedicated team of professionals will help you navigate through the challenging process of getting your liquor license application approved.
Are You Looking to Sell a Florida Liquor License? Provide us with a couple of details about your license, along with your contact details, and we will get back to you with a quote.
Our dedicated team of professionals will help you navigate through the challenging process of getting your liquor license application approved.
All of this can detract from your daily business activities and may ultimately impact your bottom line.
If you need to buy a liquor license, our consulting services will make the process faster and easier.
We will take the time to learn about your business, recommend the best license for your needs, and work on your behalf through the application or license-purchasing process.
Your time is better spent doing what you’re good at. Allow our expert team to take care of the finer details.
There are many things to consider as you decide whether to sell your Florida liquor license. The nature of your business, current sales volume, and other factors could influence your decision.
Many of the most common reasons to sell are covered below:
- You are closing your business and no longer need a license.
- Your business is changing in nature and scope, and liquor sales will no longer be needed.
- You are deriving a significantly small amount of revenue from liquor sales and don’t want to deal with storage and refrigeration.
- Your business is changing, and you are planning to relicense under a different category, rendering your quota license surplus to needs.
- You need a capital injection and hold a license from an older business. Selling your license could result in a significant profit.

There are significant benefits that come from holding a Florida liquor license. If you want your business to grow and be competitive, a license is an absolute necessity.
As you can see, the reasons are varied. Your exact situation may be completely unique. Whatever the reason, there is an advantage to be gained from selling your license.
4COP Quota Florida liquor licenses are exceedingly rare. They are offered under a state lottery, with each county being awarded one license per 7,500 residents. This can put many entrepreneurs in a situation where they want to open a bar, restaurant, or entertainment venue, but they don’t have access to a license.
Your license is an asset. You can sell it for a significant markup over the standard state licensing fee, and it’s completely legal to do so. Depending on the county where the license was issued, you could receive tens or even hundreds of thousands from the sale.
If your license isn’t providing any significant value to your business, it’s time to talk to the team at Liquor License Outlet.
At Liquor License Outlet, we have more than five decades of combined experience buying and selling licenses. We also offer consulting and financial services, making us unique in the industry. We buy licenses so that newer businesses have opportunities to grow and contribute to Florida’s wider commercial sector.
If you want to make a generous return on your liquor license, but don’t know where to start, we are here to help.
Our service is stress-free, completely transparent, and compliant with all licensing laws and regulations.
Click Here to See Our Current Buy/Sell List, or contact us today to sell your license.